..as if it were utterly unambiguous. Implicit in that view IS digital think ultimately ending as Right/Wrong.
If you are insulted by my characterizing the mindset behind this view of The Law as I have done - consider that your expressed idea of The Law is not uniformly shared. Libraries have been written about the nuances. And considering 'emotional' as pejorative is just another piece of cant. The people who elected to fight the Redcoats were &^#$^ emotional! about what they decided, and what consequences they accepted.
Then after redefining emotion you presume to be sole possessor of *correct* English too. Ah it's so lovely when One Knows One is Right\ufffd
While denying that you are spouting digital think: you persist in ignoring, no matter how many times I mention it - the "reserved powers" clause - as much *The Law* as any of the countless statutes officially on someone's books and - often contradictory and varied, from locale to locale.
Lastly you adhere to your digital idea of Public/Private - also in your mind but not all minds. We #&@* *LIVE all over* and not just behind our locked doors (which are hardly our 'castles' either - given the laws regulating behavior *even there*).
For you: The Law is permission from authority, already written. For me and my ilk - the State must prove it has the license from Constitutional implications, before it may embark upon any new program of limiting my "reserved powers" - not vice versa.
It is only in *your mind* that there is NO limit to the state's powers to employ surveillance at will. You think it's cut & dried - and why can't I just See that You are Right !? Hah. That's ~ same message as the folks that ring doorbell and will explain to me all unasked: how the Universe works! - and Why can't I just See it ? You emotional, about your purely intellectual perfectly logical / legal exercise here? Nahhhh.
I demur. More cameras soon? Barricades sooner.