Le coeur a ses raisons qui raisonnent seul ne percevront jamaisDo you think this pointing-out of the BLINDNESS* of the emotional _heart's_ "reasoning" is supposed to be _praise or endorsement_ of it?!? Not that I can place the quote... But if that is really what it is saying, then that only goes to confirm what we all already knew: The French are *nutz*!
You seem to be misunderstanding me, thinking I'm arguing we should all be computers in stead of the emotional animals we are**. No, I never mant to say that -- I'm saying Feeling is all well and good. For one thing, all our values are of course based in it; for another, our admiration for some particularly elegant argument in support of some value over another, is also an emotion. But, when it comes to *evaluating* values, *choosing* between conflicting goals which are often *both* good... Then, *informed* reasoning is better than blind emotion. For that, "cooler heads", as opposed to "hot hearts", must prevail.
Lemme put it this way: Which are the more respected statesmen -- the ones that throw temper tantrums, or the ones that manage to hang on to their cool? To take an example, your Founding Fathers probably weren't all perfectly unanimous on everything all the time -- I can imagine there were some pretty deep discussions as the Constitution was hammered out. In those debates, which would you have wanted to "win": Hot-headed incoherent sputterers of Emotion, or persuasively _Reasoning_ advocates of (their surely equally emotion-based) rational value systems?
*) "[Ils] ne percevront jamais" = "[they] never percieve [anything]".
**) These over-convoluted attempted put-downs like "Imagining that Mr. Boole has captured the essence of 'wisdom creation'", "Faith in the triumph of codified process", and so on... Are getting rather annoying, BTW. And old.