You to define it as a rationale
Always in the world there are the Puritans. In Salem they held all in their self-imposed santimonious terror, for awhile. Eventually - and after the town elders apologized for the dead, inspected and burnt teenage girls - their methods and their pholosophy was overturned by Popular demand. Not til that generation had pretty well fucked themselves for ever reaching maturity. Terror does that.
But always.. there are Those Who Know.. Exactly how: all the Rest of us Ought to behave. (As in the counterprayer: Lord, please protect me from your followers -also- Lord, please protect me from Those Who Know) Sorry that's as simple as I can characterize a certain unending War:
Between the Authoritarians (who always have a Manual they are sure was written for Everyone to Follow or Else) and then the Others: who do not agree with their idea of, say - what constitutes a Good Life in our daily pursuit of survival amidst the cacophony, the digital right/wrong yes/no folk who love to give Permission. Or Not.
See then? I - for just one of many - deem Puritans my natural and lawful *enemy*. They are ever Certain! of exactly how *I* "ought to think, behave, live and finally die" - quietly and in accord with their miserably circumscribed banal existence: fearful [of God's and a litany of Others'] Wrath - and a host of other fantasies they willingly apply to all: because They Know They Are Right\ufffd.
Now you personally may not subscribe to much? all? .. hardly any of the Puritan agenda For Our Own Good-ness. I make no assumptions about Your set of stuff to be imposed "for all our Goodness". But you often align yourself with the Authoritarian View of human societal construction, and - as is so often claimed by other folks who have it all mapped out:
You caution that Unless we have minute laws for every imaginable thus transcribable er 'tort' or statute: the Sky Will fall. Chaos shall replace our comfortable torpor and - people will jump lines at supermarkets or Hockey games or perhaps [horrors] just stop buying stuff! (Then of course, our umm 'civilization' Would Fall. Scary thought that..)
Well, that's as close as I can come off-hand to attempting to describe an attitudinal difference which separates: large blocs? blocks? 'demographics' of the current Murican looneybin. Different sides of that ol' barricade - y'see?
(You - I merely suspect - will become Irrational when they come for your guns. I OTOH shall become Irrational when I find myself being forced to behave like a OOP artifact, for the safety and convenience of sheep who deserve neither - as they see their liberties evanescing via creeping gradualism: they do not even notice, let alone 'care'.) Go Yankees! Dem Bums. What's on sale? Let's go shopping.
Polite anarchy - one sperm one vote. Bring your extras to the poling place. Careful: they are all Citizens now! Or so I surmise from the Righteous.