There's so much hysteria and (mis/dis)information going around:

- If I get OS X, I have to learn UNIX. (Only if you want to. Otherwise, just point and click as usual.)

- Apple has taken control of my computer away from me! (Usually based on the way that *real* multi-user systems do access control, rather than letting any unshaved chimp nuke their system with a single mis-placed mouse click. Which I did to myself once.)

- My third-party hardware/software/etc. doesn't work any more! (This is the closest to a legitimate beef. However, it's not Apple's fault. Get on the vendor's case to support OS X!)

I've been full time in OS X since 10.0 first came out and I think Apple has and continues to do an amazing job especially considering the massive paradigm shift they needed to pull off going from OS 9 to OS X.

In addition, nobody has commented on the fact that just about every new app they come out with is based on open standards. Apple is embracing *real* open standards in a huge way and building real solutions on them.