Having been in broadcasting before, and knowing what goes on there, the indecency level has risen and caused issues with both the commercial and non-commercial stations. I'm not saying Stern or whomever should not ever be on the air, I'm simply saying I'm glad to see the stations/companies making rules and sticking to those rules. If the DJs break the rules, they're in trouble.

I would think Howard Stern or whomever else could be on at certain time slots, when people know they are there and younger listeners could not tune in, I'm not sure why CC pulled it completely.

But bottom line, Janet Jackson changed the entire way the FCC looked at things and the entire future of broadcasting. I'm still not sure if it's good or bad, but I agree that the public should be comfortable to watch certain things, such as the Super Bowl, or Oscars, without fear of some un-excusable act occurring.

And what the FCC is also doing, is examining the way broadcasting is being done, so that maybe there will be more room for more stations to be competitve, rather than just the big radio companies owning and running everything.

I can't say that will happen, but having been in a serious debate about it on my KCFV radio group, I hope that in some ways it will improve the industry of broadcasting so that the people who want to be part of it have a better chance at it.

Calling me names doesn't work Boxley, I have to give a hoot, and I don't.

Nightowl >8#