In the morning paper (Cleveland Plain Dealer), it was reported that he was dropped from 6 of 1400 stations affiliated with Clear Channel (I remember the 6, the 1400 I am unsure of.) It doesn't seem that they are taking a real big hit on this and they are getting a lot of publicity about how good, clean, and decent they are.

Stern styles himself as a "Shock Jock", so I would imagine that his listening audiance is kind of expecting his kind of crap. Further, there must be a lot of people who like this stuff, because he wouldn't draw the kind of money he gets without a BIG following. I don't think that self-censorship would do it. He would be alienating his mealticket. This was just a business decision by CC; they will pander to the holy rollers rather than the happily shocked morons. Personally, I don't listen to him, because, while my shock threshold is rather high, my bordom threshold is attainable by most mediocre talent.