it is just really hard to find them, which is why I've asked. See how I've found things like Revolution, Squeak, and others. I might just invest $100 in Delphi Personal after I've saved up some money, but right now I do not have the money to buy it. I won't have any until June, thanks to the five month waiting list for disability. Unless you'd rather I cheat Borland and visit and search for a Delphi Trial Crack patch? Thought not, I'd rather pay for my software than pirate it.

I won't stave to death, if I have to I'll eat rice and eggs or rice and salt, to stay alive. I might just shed some pounds while I am at it. So far I have skipped a few meals every week or so. Or I just eat light, like one Yogurt, or a PBJ sandwhich, or a 59 cent can of soup or Spaghetti Rings, instead of a full meal. I even learned how to make a Poor Man's Pizza/Burrito by using flour tourtias, cheese, and lunchmeat and a Microwave. Just spread the cheese and lunch meat on the tourtia, and then heat for 2 minutes, and then eat as a Pizza or roll it over as a burrito. I can get all of this stuff at the "Stock Up Stores" like Aldi's or Save-A-Lot that sell food really cheap. I went from 280 pounds down to 258 now. I still can lose about 100 pounds before I get healthy again. Sometimes I splurge and heat up a frozen pizza. :)