"andy kaufman" -- initially created as a [link|http://twiki.iwethey.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/AndyKaufman|tiwki persona] from your DSL address on twiki before being used on [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/user?userid=361|here].

The [link|http://profiles.yahoo.com/andy_kauffman2002|same persona] on Yahoo points to that twiki profile.

The same persona, when I blocked the Japan proxy server you were using, slipped up and used YOUR DSL gateway (the same one you were using when you were getting the "forumsDown" page) when it hit the "notPermitted" page. Apparently your gateway screws up when it gets a "page has moved" redirect and hits things directly. And no one else uses that particular gateway to post here.

Norm, you are NOT FOOLING ANYONE. I understand that you have invested a lot of time pretending all of this stuff, and it's not much fun to find out that no one was fooled... but the game is over. Please. All you are doing is eroding what little trust we have left for you. Yes, it's hard to admit to yourself that you were the one doing all of that... but you don't need those personas any more.

Just post as yourself. You don't need the negative attention the other personas get.

This is the last post I am making on this subject.