A set of Mac [link|http://www.wodgraphics.com/Downloads.html|icons].
Mac fan [link|http://www.greatdave.org:7777/nekoninja/Gallery.html|art].
Ouch! Orion Blastar says he's a Mac [link|http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2002/11/30/211730/46|hacker].
Another Mac [link||advance] from Stryfe.
This is pure [link|http://pub23.ezboard.com/fgforceandwhitecapfrm1.showMessage?topicID=313.topic|insanity] (and it sounds like Norm, too).
There seems to be Merril Stryfe who enjoys Conter Strike game.

A piece of X-Man lore from [link|http://tgs.gargoyles-fans.org/cr/archive/2001/10-20-2001.html|here]:
(and if you want to continue with Cable's storyline, you have to mention Cable's clone, Stryfe, who was Cable from an alternate reality; naturally, being a clone, he was evil. He also died and came back to life a dozen times or so. And, also, Cable had a son, Tyler, who eventually went crazy, dressed himself up in a costume and called himself Genesis, and tried to steal all of Apocalypse's power [get it? Apocalypse? Genesis? First and last books of the Bible?] before getting killed.).

There are around 150 links, I tried to filter them somewhat. Not quite sure what it means.