Re: Turns out it might have a genetic component
Several years back I had a several similar symptoms that got worse to the point of tracking down medical help. After getting nowhere with conventional MDs, I tracked down a Doc who did environmental medicine. A mineral/metals test showed that I had a high level of Mercury, which is treatable in one of several ways. It took about 4 months to get the levels down to something sane, and I feel a lot better for it.
My sister has similar problems, but the "genetic" component was environmental. We were both exposed to Mercury when we were young, both directly via elemental Mercury (my Grandmother kept a vial of the stuff around for the grandkids to play with), through medicines (Mercurichrome (sp?), which was put on the smallest of cuts and scrapes (and stung like hell)), and via dental work. And then later through a diet of fish, including lots of Swordfish.
Heavy metals can screw your body up in many interesting ways, with a diverse set of downstream side-effects. It might be worth seeing if your Doc can get you tested. There's a hair analysis test that's quick, painless, and fairly inexpensive. It might point in the direction of other tests, or rule heavy metals out as a factor.