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Mike Vitale

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The Water Cooler There are some of us who don't care... - (Yendor)
The Water Cooler All the best to you and yours. - (Yendor)
The Water Cooler GLWT, on both fronts! -NT - (Yendor)
The Water Cooler HB2KeeperOfTheOldManFu! -NT - (Yendor)
The Water Cooler HB2Spice! -NT - (Yendor)
The Water Cooler HB2Beep! - (Yendor)
Mobile Technology Hmmm... - (Yendor)
Mobile Technology Some quick hits, then - (Yendor) - (9)
Reviews Re: Bike suggestions? - (Yendor)
Mobile Technology Check out the iPhone - (Yendor) - (12)
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Peanut butter is "dinner" as long as you put it on a plate.
380 ms