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The Water Cooler Then you should try my cooking - (bionerd)
Oh, Pun! Ouch!! -NT - (bionerd)
The Water Cooler It is juicy - (bionerd)
Oh, Pun! That damnitol looks pretty good! -NT - (bionerd)
The Water Cooler So Thane... - (bionerd) - (17)
The Water Cooler Enjoy your day! HB! -NT - (bionerd)
Religion, Philosophy, Metaphysics Well, I gotta tell you - (bionerd)
Religion, Philosophy, Metaphysics It was also recommended that I smudge my office - (bionerd)
Religion, Philosophy, Metaphysics I bought a big fat bundle - (bionerd) - (1)
Religion, Philosophy, Metaphysics They get freaked out when I hold a steak knife - (bionerd)
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Sorry, what? I wasn't listening. I was fantasizing that I was far away, very alone, and reading a book.
332 ms