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Jack Troughton

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News Picks Oh yeah, it absolutely is - (jake123)
News Picks That's what you get when you elect Republicans for decades. -NT - (jake123) - (2)
Open I'm in - (jake123)
The Water Cooler Re: Matters of the Heart . . . . - (jake123)
The Water Cooler Re: That one isn't on my list. - (jake123)
The Water Cooler Re: Nearly a month on - (jake123) - (2)
Politics He'd never be able to do that folksy shitkicker routine and be convincing. -NT - (jake123)
Politics Fuck that, there's a reason he's making his career in America, his shit would never fly up here. -NT - (jake123) - (2)
Politics Merde-a-lago -NT - (jake123)
Open Re: Brother's COVID is worse than I'd heard - (jake123)
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