You have virtually reduced the range of human 'values' to $$-prices.
No, I haven't. I'm saying that any society that wants to be stable must recognize the inherent selfishness of people. Selfishness most often expresses itself in economic terms; this isn't about the almighty dollar no matter how much people want to frame it in those terms to have a strawman to knock down.

Altruism is everywhere. Why? Unanswerable - it creates endorphins, is the clinical answer.
No, it isn't unanswerable. If you are talking about social grooming, then you're mistaken. Social grooming is a trade. Endorphins for acceptance. Groom the leader... if he feels good, he'll let you stay and eat. If you're the groomer, you also get to eat the high protein pests. The grooming fulfilled an evolutionary push to create a stable society because individuals were better off in a stable group. If there were no advantage to being in a group, the grooming wouldn't have evolved.

As far as the Warsaw Ghetto goes, remember, this is a general idea. Such ideas always break down at the extremes.