Knowledge makes $
$ makes Power
... Knowledge is Power

Next throw in the Ken Lays who are always the polluted % of any aggregation: and in *any* system we shall find the opportunists - the crackers of humanity. Ergo the need for all those silly laws: aimed at the minority of Genuine Assholes.

In the US - capitalism functions as a convex lens: amplifying the tendency to cheat.. while fucking with language to call that, 'Greed is Good'. Ergo - overall I'd deem the average communist from 1919 on.. a more honest person than the average Murican thru 4/'03. Different Petri dishes == different spread of the cupidity disease. We 'Won' That contest:

You get to be a Celebrity if you steal enough and brag enough.. smile a lot and.. have good teeth in a right-shaped jaw. (Check the fotos of the Successful Men\ufffd)

No illusions about What Murica Stands For, at all.

PS - nice treatment of the lady in distress. But despite yer crusty exterior, I'm not surprised ;-) [that's supposed to be a compliment.. in Box-speak]