After all, they were quite happy to own slaves and consider it
good behaviour.

My issue is when someone comes over with a gun to my head and
tells me that I must run a business in such a way that is guaranteed
to fail.

According to some here, I am offering VERY good wages (based
on the amount of housing it can buy in the local area) for
specific skill sets. It does my company NO GOOD to pay this
money to people who can't do the job. It also does my company
NO GOOD to pay less money to more people WHO CAN'T DO THE JOB.

So, what would you have me do?

Note: This is a jobs forum. I gave specific advice on how
to approach employment, in a way that has worked for my and
might work for others. It has now degraded into a social and
political flamefest, which I try to stay away from. So don't
bother answering the above question unless it relates to specific
job advice, becuase I sure won't.