("Do I contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself; I contain multitudes ..."
--Walt Whitman)

OK, what we *need* then, given your encyclopædic Knowledge of the execrable degree-of-sloth common to all bit-biting-Bitches {??}



I propose this Joint Executive/Legislative Branches Resolution:

As President, I announce today the appointment of The Security Ayatollah: for a Prosperous/Safe/Fun America.

This Person [Name/location/data/picture withheld: for all reasons of his Personal Security] shall have Ultimate-veto over any existing Security Regulations affecting the
States, the Nation, {all participating in the Coalition of the Willing}..So Long as He {..we let him} Lives.
His compensation shall be adequate, with a basic ration of whale blubber for daily sustenance--Guaranteed.

We [The Congress/The President] shall Get Back to Y'all.. after his revisions have been installed, his performance evaluated and The Country Remains un-Nuked.

Thank You.. that will be all for this press conference..Bailiff! detain that man in the back row with the knapsack!!!