Needs a LOT more washing.
That's why they are marketing Web services so heavily? They are scared of it so they market it?
Their version(s). Yes. The interoperatability is still in question, to say the least.
But, they certainly haven't moved in that direction. On the contrary they have made a big push to build SOAP and XML into their products.
On the contrary? Ok, so can you show me the Microsoft documentation for non-microsoft interoperation?
I don't know it doesn't exist, but my limited experience would indicate that you're repeating their PR.
Re: Java, MS wanted to change Java to create their own unique, version yet still call it Java. Sun said no way, took them to court and won. Sun wants no competition from other vendors for the Java franchise.
I hope you're charging by the hour for that. That's absoutely ludicrous - and why I don't believe you on the above.
You might note that HP is supposedly (I don't know the status) "clean-rooming" Java. IBM puts out their own JRE and JDKs.
Microsoft wanted to subvert Java so that if you used tools for Windows, it would only work on Windows.
Sun wants no competition from other vendors for the Java franchise.
And how much competition does Microsoft brook for the Windows franchise?