I agree with Mike's prognosis - were laissez-faire to be again the default non-chosen non-remedy. Agree also with your take on the likely effects of mere 'split in 2,3 or 4' clones of the same malignancy.

Believe the cancer metaphor an apt one: M$ is demonstrably a cancer on any idea of 'innovation' and therefore, especially magnified by the hideous repercussions of DMCA, UCITA (and maybe even NAFTA?) - a not merely potential.. but near-certain root-cause of inevitable decline in the er 'relevance' of any US work in the entire IT field.

Does such a situation, if ~ true, not define something like a dire emergency ??

And if *that* is not suficient reason for - an unusual application of the spirit of 'antitrust law' directly towards STOPPING this behemoth cold: then *what* ever, could qualify?

(Natch I hope that DOJ et al Get This, but esecially also the congress-critters - yes, even the Repos amidst the so-called Demos and Repubs! Because if they do not get this, do not see the looming scenario, via mere inspection of Passport, Hailstorm, .net and XP: IMhO, we're Dead. Soon enough.)

My 3 Euro-Dollars. (And *those* will form the economy of the New Non-US worldwide er "IT"). Hey! you monolingues out there: best to start learning yer C in French, Japanese, German and esp Russian.!.

SmallTalk becomes er KleinesGespr\ufffdch
'Jump indirect to self' becomes.. well, get busy..

Personally I prefer a nuclear answer; reform of such diseased minds is as improbable as Jesse Helms marrying a black man.. with Swahili rites, at a rave, while toking on an aromatic leaf...

who doesn't hold out much hope, given our Repo record to date