the er Fix-Packs added by successors, in his name. I didn't know he Hisself had gone so far as to mention permanent aberrations..

This would make him even more prescient; was he the last Great one as well as the first? I'm a bit surprised that you suffered through so much of this dismality [ugh! what a horrible non-word] - though I couldn't know whether the exercises can indeed sharpen one's powers of observation (?)

But can guess why Ayn-baby's doggerel (and her fan club of - those who call selves strict constructionists here, meaning often reactionaries) - might piss you off.

That is, I haven't encountered an Ayn fan who wasn't a reprobate social Darwinist in all other noticeable areas as well. I guess what I notice often in such screeds too, is a form of the faux precision encountered in budding science students, before they have grasped concepts of,

'Redundant constraints' - as that applies to geometrical models of machines (3- vs 4- legged stool and such) and
'false precision' - incomprehension of the quite different meanings of, '5' and of '5.0000' (The umm 'significant' difference).

If I can bear it, shall attempt a brief reread of Wealth of Nations, in atonement. It has been some time..
