Re: SOAP - MS 'invented' SOAP ?
Actually SOAP is a very very simple envelope protocol that the other companies agreed to go with just to please MS and encourage them to stay with the standards. MS will tell us that SOAP is a great invention - which is of course piffle, SOAP is so simple that they even called it the Simple Object Access Protocol.
But as you relatedly imply MS are attempting to hijack Web Services - firstly by hijacking XML from Sun (I have read press articles that blatantly implied that MS invented XML).
MS saw XML and XML objects as the only next generation technology that they could use to try & deflate Java. MS have published papers that argue that XML objects passed with SOAP, actually negate Java EJBs. The argument is that Web Services is going to become the new middleware and that the concept of run timbinding & SOAP calls can eventually displace Corba, EJBs, etc: (some MS wags even include JAVA).
Why MS is so into Web Services is that it doesn't exist & is just a promise at the moment - sure there are parts of the technology in IBM's WebSphere 4.0 & several other servers incl MS BizTalk, but it is all futures & not many people (if any) run mission critical apps based on Web Services as defined by UDDI, WSDL & SOAP.
Because it is future, MS can rave about it and position them selves as champions of it but don't have to deliver on it.
And this of course is MS at their best :-)