I (ahem) see the next and near-term performance of our er justice system as, very much Unknown. I am supposing that, judges being human and all, and Not disconnected from the media (including the preponderance of InfotainmentWorld over umm zIWETHEY Illuminati ?) - then adding in some cockamamie impression that say, *as Microsloth goes, so goes the Economy.. -- it is ALL very much still a crapshoot, whether any sane remedies occur AND, whether occurs anything approaching fair PUNISHMENT, for the principal architects of the M$ Scam of the century. As of today.
And what are the odds that any compensation shall ever accrue to the - surely more than several - Ed Currys ?
* What's good for General Motors is good for the country..
This may be before your time, depending upon what passed for Econ as you were tortured by those (poor baby) successive texts.. It was indeed uttered by one Charlie Wilson, in Ike's cabinet.
I'd say that we most often hew towards the Repo mindset, and that hewing always and everywhere - benefits One Class only; it is exceptional when that is less true. There is no longer any significant organized opposition to this hegemony (however we argue: how it got this way), and It Shows.