...but the time to wait could be very long.
Correctiion will occur...and in most cases it will occur by replacement.
Fer instance...had there been no regulation of electricity production this would've happened quicker...a cost effective way to power your own home would have been developed (its here now..seen the new propane generators?)
Had natural gas prices not been regulated...bullet tanks would have been more prevalent.
Telephone service at the local level in Europe is responding to monopoly by a mass shift to digital phones.
So...the real issue becomes...how long should society allow the severe misallocation of resources caused by companies operating as a monopoly....and how far should society allow them to leverage that advantage.
Clearly...the 2 major economies on the planet (US and EU) have agreed that as long as a monopoly is fairly gained and not abused....they will be tolerated....however...if that advantage is used to destroy other markets...it will be dealt with.