What's Microsoft's ratio of "plants, trucks, etc"...
...to *employees*, and how many years are employees usually tied up in "bankruptcy hearings, courts, auctions"?
Sorry, Add, but you're wrong. You just want to see some mystic property of corporations, imbued into them by the holy Market[*], that makes them fundamentally different from governments and other organizations.
They aren't; it's all just more or less equivalent ways of organizing human endeavour. Neither do corporations differ very much from other organization types (governments, churches, armies, football associations, etc), nor are economic market forces much different from other forces that shape society and the organizations in it (religions, culture, fashions, fads, etc). Nor are they necessarily even the most important ones.
Individuals, they say, should "eat to live, not live to eat". The same goes for *society* -- and the economy isn't all of society; it's just how society "eats".
[*]: What *is* it with so many Americans, that they want to see something so utterly profound and "different" about markets (and, to an only slightly lesser degree, corporations) than everything else in society? Have you guys strarted some new "Church Of The Founding Fathers" *religion* over there (without, apparently, really realizing it yourselves), or WTF?
Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything