Whenever businesses have been given free reign they seek to become (and sometimes have become) the government of their domain. Microsoft most certainly has in mind being more powerful than any government, and for a while there thought it already was. Bill Gates is reputed to have said so and placed himself as more powerful than the President.
Business today seeks to transcend the traditional controls by "internationalization", become an international government not bound by any jurisdiction restricted by boarders and superseeding any regional governments in the same way governments have traditionally superseeded business by having greater scope.
In the other direction, governments steadily evolve to totalitarianism and serving a small elite, just like businesses. In fact, on that path you will hear many claims of making government more "efficient" (totalitarian) by applying "sound business principles".
So, again, I see no basic difference. They are the same thing, and if not restrained by an aroused public, become totalitarian states.