almost becoming er, sarcastically?-so

Heh.. Grad HS at 15.5; IQ--one of those silly high-enough-numbers.. twice, maybe 3x.
(A Princess(!)--fiancé of a physicist administered one of those: her ~vocation. Heh.)
Never remotely tempted near alcoholic dependency==depressant; pot, only quite rarely (a couple Wowie grades--as a verification)
--largely depresses Inquisitiveness, at least in this sack-ful of chem-bio--soups.

Ditto, hardly-any (of the demon-ƒearing category), though some pure Owsley was one of those. No epiphany there, but Interesting.

My Other experiments re the esoteric, pretty-much trumped the above re. 'enlightenment' efforts.
(Though the entire Coca-leaf, as chewed by the locals--has more Interesting, thought-provoking substances
than ever have been separated-out, let alone honestly-Investigated.) How Puritan-Murican-to-a-Tee, that fact.
So, seems I'm an outlier, even amidst this test-collection of just-such.

Guess I'm just fuckin-Lucky to be, still, shufflin around, given the hugely-scary nature of these experiences
(not-to-mention Vincent Black Shadows or steering-around a light aircraft.. as amused friend disparaged my efforts to create er, sinusoidal-depeleneration in-the-sky. Ooooh: wavicles!)

Seems that one person's scary-Bugaboo is another's raison d'etre.. or in some cases.. even salvation-from? ... a tribe or Nation of primitives and scaredy-cats of all stripes.

Now.. if there Be such things as, The Bardos.. in some 'next'.. ... maybe a One gets to pick One's next nano-universe to Play In. I no words.