I think: Consciousness.. Itself.

I congratulate you (belatedly, for all circumstances, and fwiw) upon possessing the tenacity to successfully break-through that which seems almost a primordial-fog,
fed largely by industrial-think and all that negative emotional-baggage it spawned, along its path of dismantling any true sense of 'democracy' ever occurring.
(Many 'students' would envy that feat, as inculcated mindsets are most insidious, being daily reinforced.)
You will always be within a small minority, I think you realize.

Because you are both articulate and ..forthcoming, you'd be an "entitled" test-subject for some researchers.
The importance of 'forthcoming' is related to the demands of personal-daily-lying, as follows from the tenets of vulture-capitalism (as you've described quite neatly enough.)
I'd add only that, Murica (maybe since its inception) has been a Proof of one koan: Language was invented that men might disguise their thoughts from each other.
Nowhere is that more indubitable as in: any Office (bizness or political.) Lying-animals we may be, in many circumstances, but Muricans are inculcated incessantly, from tyke-hood.
[I grew up here, y'see?]

As to the thread, its scope limited (via Mike's 'Certainty-reflex'?) that such effects as you describe are entirely a ƒ(chemicals) thus persistence of any insights is bogus
[if THIS then THAT as in, hmmm.. coding?] … for mechanical or human machines:

Others have experienced this alteration of consciousness (pure and simple: that) sans any chemicals whatsoever--predominantly via
First: realizing they were living-crippled (as many individual tales there, as … people);
Second: discovering/being advised by cohorts, that a teacher (of meditation and similar means of calming our natural, untutored 'monkey-minds') could help.
Next: with/without a teacher, doing the Work of (finally) testing, watching inner mind processes, to a purpose. (know thyself? or by any other words.)
Lastly: forever next, find selves immune to the stimulus/response games which underlie our Status-seeking/greed for Power-as-Money, and related mental disabilities.

Clearly some.. experience a change in consciousness (varying by all we can imagine about others' 'psyches') while under some chemical aid. When the molecules have gone, the 'insights' (if it was like that) or new-Purposefulness? may have greatly diminished. Maybe the state can be re-produced by another dose sometime or maybe not. It's reasonable to call these experiences 'drug related'--and as transitory--even knowing little of the highly-individual other particulars.

Others, like yourself do Not, subsequently revert to their nominal state of consciousness, long after the molecules have left.
(If the above is News to anyone (?) that person (even in Murica) has not been paying much attention to anything outside the daily strait-jacket of me-Me-Mine!, I'd think.)

Esalen (Institute) in Big Sur CA (overlooking the Pacific) has been a focal point for people across a huge spectrum, from paupers to luminaries--each for own reasons--attempting to learn more about their very-Own psyches. CA just seems to synthesize?/innovate much better than most other States, in matters about 'States'-of-consciousness (transliterated for American vocabularies.)

Truly sorry that mere-fucking random-Chance threw you into the maw of the Great [compartmentalized-Set] of State-punishments prescribed for any personal science-based experiments:
outside of that antediluvian [Puritan box].

But you now possess quite more insight into the Tragedy we're living-within--than anyone with jingoistic blinkers super-glued on.
Hope that that priceless new awareness (of ancient lessons, long-ago ridiculed here--necessarily!--so that financial schemes could be cleansed of their patently-criminal shame) can maintain your equanimity.
It seems that, you are entirely-within-Theater next, where the management expects 'correct' answers as must be acted-out via a prescribed script: in which there can be no ad-libs whatsoever (?)
You can Do this! Luck on the elocution and decent rehearsal-prep..