We have stumbled well-into meta- Territory aka epistemology http://faculty.educa...-cziko/wm/06.html
Play? or Resign if your comfort-level got?/gets exceeded.

Here, later, you acknowledge your own experience of emotional-states via music, {meditation? inner-spawned chemicals? or outer-added ones??} facilitating..? maybe even permitting-at-all?? solutions to what you thought/still-think? were purely-intellectual, self-assigned Problems.

Simultaneously you hold-in-'mind(s!)' the contradiction that, having experienced the strait-jacket of the mechanistic-logic of intellect--verily having failed to solve {some problem,}
You conclude that (in your mind) it's too-dangerous--if not stupid-by-your-lights even to acknowledge that:
What crazy was talking about (much of which obv. went Zooom, too) and I chimed-in on, from my experience and lore--was no mere dilettante 'recreational'-employment lark:
employing our mentations to pursue experiments in an area acknowledged to be impoverished/filled with as much wrongth?/dumbth? ... as was Physics pre-Boltzmann ET AL.

(How generous of you to forthrightly tolerate our gawd-given Right ..to act stupid; your empathy is, surely well-validated:
you know the exact dictionary definition of the word. What more might a one need than that?)

Sorry that, my view of your insight-module is: of someone smugly content to hold strong opinions about matters you have not even logically investigated, never mind.. attempted to Reason about.
You're fun to agree-with/argue-with on a number of topics; alas, on My jury, I'd have to go for a peremptory challenge:
on grounds that "candidate's response to circumstantial evidence is seen to be prejudiced by casual 'opinions' untested by experiment/yet taken for some sort of personal-Certainty."

(Recall the thread on poor *Boltzmann?) His arguments were dismissed ["with-prejudice", goes that court-phrase] by the near-consensus then,
of entrenched beliefs about.. er PHYSICS'--its Main-Principles (like say, "atoms" and such?)

* Oh. and. more recently: Hawking's presentation upon (what next==soon came to be called Hawking-radiation in black holes/Singularities..
was momentarily met with dumbfounded ridicule-like noises, within that gaggle of fully-credentialed scientists™ er, fellow club members?
Welcome to the club. ;^>

Carrion.. we're all just composed of those atom-things, 99.999999%-of-which volume is
[just chock-full-of *Dark-energy and Dark-matter--which are the same 'thing' and maybe even tiny-Universes] ..but-we-call-it, 'empty-space'. Still.

* Dark: euphemism (like an MD's, 'non-specific vaginitis') for, We don't know Shit about that 'empty-space' Either.