If you are a practicing Jew you will not eat shrimp. Its part of a real estate deal called the covenant. It doesnt apply to those folks who dont want to be jews.
The website I pointed you to was to show that the original christian church required you to be a Jew. If you converted, you topped off yer schmeckle ate kosher and followed all the laws like the rest of the jews. Paul and his crew did as you suggested and removed those requirements from christianity.
Paul also hated women so there was a recision of the sexual laws as well. From sleep with your wife of the opposite sex, to sex is forbidden except to procreate. Now with that sweeping decision you have created a crew of horney pissed off populace who wrecked havoc for many centuries. Now if you want to change that. Put on a clerical collar. Declare yourself a practicing christian and find some followers like Calvin did.