Welcome from another non-IT
Should your interest be piqued re the origins of this place - the twiki points out that originally we coalesced around (often iconoclastic) discussions at an early decently-threaded forum at InfoWorld. As that place became more Ad-oriented and dishonest and made some hideous errors in *New* forum software as Y2K reared its head - we moved to another locale.
Finally Our Admin et al crafted this venue, at last able to incorporate all the good forum ideas floating about in various brain pans.. including the Birth of the LRPD [an immaculate conception, as would be envied even by cohorts of elegans, were such hybrids afflicted with 3 brains like homo-sap].
As an amateur (possessed of one of the CP/M computers of the early '80s, then DOS, etc.) my initial forays to IWorld were ~ about IT stuff, but I was more impressed with visible intelligence displayed in other matters, by a few regulars there. Long time ago, in this short-attention span era: >10 years! for some.
We've had a long term theoretical physicist guy (currently on snit leave) and my background is in 'experimental' ie particle accelerators and the like. Bio? well.. part of that included delivering heavy-ion beams to humanoids. (And finding out about MDs..) Of course, you can't Do Science without math and logic - so most everyone here has experience with the basic tools of transforming the primordial slime into today's theo-political slime, etc. (Then too, 'IT' is as much art as it is science..)
No easy categorizing, methinks.
Welcome abored aboard; there are few Rulez (mainly.. no headings with Awful Anglo-Saxon words :-0 -- except in the Flame Forum. Within the post, well - WTF). There are no Proctors here; we presume adulthood [except in the one case already mentioned].
Edit - ty[po
Edited by
Feb. 7, 2005, 03:59:47 AM EST
Welcome from another non-IT
Should your interest be piqued re the origins of this place - the twiki points out that originally we coalesced around (often iconoclastic) discussions at an early decently-threaded forum at InfoWorld. As that place became more Ad-oriented and dishonest and made some hideous errors in *New* forum software as Y2K reared its head - we moved to another locale.
Finally Our Admin et al crafted this venue, at last able to incorporate all the good forum ideas floating about in various brain pans.. including the Birth of the LRPD [an immaculate conception, as would be envied even by cohorts of elegans, were such hybrids afflicted with 3 brains like homo-sap].
As an amateur (possessed of one of the CP/M computers of the early '80s, then DOS, etc.) my initial forays to IWorld was ~ about IT stuff, but I was more impressed with visible intelligence displayed in other matters, by a few regulars there. Long time ago, in this short-attention span era: >10 years! for some.
We've had a long term theoretical physicist guy (currently on snit leave) and my background is in 'experimental' ie particle accelerators and the like. Bio? well.. part of that included delivering heavy-ion beams to humanoids. (And finding out about MDs..) Of course, you can't Do Science without math and logic - so most everyone here has experience with the basic tools of transforming the primordial slime into today's theo-political slime, etc. (Then too, 'IT' is as much art as it is science..)
No easy categorizing, methinks.
Welcome abored aboard; there are few Rulez (mainly.. no headings with Awful Anglo-Saxon words :-0 -- except in the Flame Forum. Within the post, well - WTF). There are no Proctors here; we presume adulthood [except in the one case already mentioned].