have we not seen that slick tight code.. the brash young Billy crowed about, balloon into the n-million lines: in a bloody OS!? ... (not some gigundo-App.)

Sure, new high-res graphics etc. but in practice: has not practice become sloppier?, thus ever-bloated--with all the consequent problems of Finding, amidst tens-of-thousands: those regular 'buffer overflows, created by 'Team' fragmentation of every project?'? (and how many new grads of computer-munging have ever read The Mythical Man-Month?)

I mean: when Billy decided that "640K is LOTS of memory", (so let's make that the next-10-year Std) was not already.. Moore's Law a shibboleth?
20/20 hindsight and all, it's eerie to contemplate just this odd happenstance: an innocent 'BDS' TLA mentioned here, leading to comment about the random loss of just One promising innovator.

(Then I imagine all the talent (and their discoveries) adsorbed into M/Soft and, simply buried.)
All these Years! and M/Soft remains: the Pinnacle of sustained-Mediocrity. They HAD the Power to rapidly excel/advance on all fronts--controlled by an arrogant/rich child-dropout
whos aims were: merely to be The Monopolist. In that he succeeded as all of the world Lost (unknowable Things.)
(The World got.. DLL-Hell, bogus drivers-roulette, inane Naming of processes!--merely to be Different--and All Those Oversights in every design!)

It seems another clear indictment of the Vulture-capitalist process: which always places the Greediest/not the Smartest at the apex of all bizness pyramids :-/