If you click through to the "buzzfeed" source, you'll see the below comment:
Seriously? "..including manning a missile launcher system of the type used to shoot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17."?!?!? He was posting selfies to Instagram while doing military training, and now Russia is covertly operating in Ukraine? Also, if you follow the photo of the "BUK" to Instagram, by clicking on his IG name, that same exact photo says "сидим, работаем на буке, слушаем музыку, .." Translation: "sitting, working on the book, listening to music". Book...as in Russian slang for NOTEBOOK, it even has a laptop emoticon. He has not posted photos while "manning" anything. He is a communications specialist, they work on computers.. I mean, really! I realize this is Buzzfeed and not BBC, or another accredited news source, but for the love of all that is holy, please validate before you post absolute nonsense and some idiot thinks that this is actually true. Also, I do not see you posting the geolocation of American or British soldiers. Why the hell are you so dang curious and willing to give up Russian security and lives? Max Seddon, this is not news, it's childish gossip for those who are clearly bored at work, please stop being nonsensical.