and how, serially that was employed re Sudetenland, etc. Then.
Then, too: the only Western-rebuttal was military, not rhetorical. That, sometimes, it just could be true..? seems moot, ever since--via those crying-wolf precedents.

I share more of MM's incredulity re Murican rationalizations than do you--as no better/worse-fabrications than All-players within the strangely-malleable code-words we are pleased to call diplomacy. That the entire dis-USA media are as corrupt as any monopoly/and of most Corporations: is a given. To believe otherwise is to ignore all past experience of same. We are each left to synthesize, via commentators or other sources which: we (merely) Hope to be less-tainted than the Known-tainted closet-advocates: the vast majority of 'Sources' extant.

(We ARE 'The Lying Animal!'/bizness itself could not operate save by degrees of lying/misrepresentation via many means. Naivete is ever to presume (that one has divined an Exceptional font? both wise and incorruptible:) even though there just may remain a precious few of those!) Qui Bono? had best precede every such re-read, I wot.)
And my Honest-Realtor, Trude is long-dead.. I can't find the Other one, said also to exist. We do not generate enough Adults to replenish/propagate many of these; certainly not enough to Manage 7+ Billions-already! of our overpopulated, pillaged/scourged nest.

Even the Idea of "geometric lines + Earth-'ownership'" DEFINING a patch-work of +/- so-called "civil rights"--in the utter absence of an Enforceable Universal set of Rights! is beyond a travesty and well into--the longest-running Self-deception since hunter-gatherers roamed.

Some apologias are more artfully crafted/contrived than others: but the worst self-induced 'mental-crime' I can think of is, to imagine that truthiness ever even appears! within the outline for Any Government-speak.