Thanks Scott.

It seems to indicate that it did indeed come in at an angle, but it doesn't explain if the angle was sideways (i.e. not straight at the side of the building), or downward (i.e. divebombing into the top of the building).

I wish I had my books, they have detailed diagrams of the path of the planes.Ah well, thanks though, the links helped!

I think the main thing we are indicating here though is that divebombing the towers would have been very very difficult with lots of chance for failure, whereas divebombing the Pentagon would have been easier. Whether or not they actually tried to dive bomb the Pentagon and missed hitting the center ring, or whether or not they hit where they aimed, we'll really never know.

Interestingly enough, if body count was the main issue, you would think they would have hit the towers lower, because then less people would have been able to evacuate. Just something I thought about, due to the way the fire prevented people from getting down from the upper floors.

Nightowl >8#