I will second your extrapolation of Our marlowe - via My Gramma - having experienced en famille: what the corrosive mindset of a pukka-Jingoist can do {to the possessed-one as well as to those within range-of-spew.. if at all predisposed to this EZ-no-think viral wasting disease.}

Sadly {predictably} the Neoconman Cabal has responded typically of those with short attention span, a large Reptile-brain and a miniscule capacity for patience over longer periods than the next Quarter/ the next Election. Certainly there is no Wisdom in the entire carload - only Ambition ---> towards further consolidation of planetary Power: deemed by these Troglodytes to Be! that Murican Dream.

These see that Dream as Empire, and not at all that Strength as comes from restraint, the wise wielding of inexorable power. These concepts are unknown to those running the asylum just now, judging by their every pronouncement to date.

Thus have we seen Tactics - a Rush into now two invasions via an attitude of Utter Disdain for say, the Good Opinions of Mankind (as mentined in our er founding Documents): Johm Wayne responding viscerally to the New Kid's spittin at him and shoutin, DRAW, SUCKER!!

bin-L et al: by now we may say (I think I might suggest with not a whole lot of contradiction?) has exemplified! Strategy.

Ours is a society immersed in entertainment, distraction, the constant noise of banal pop-songs plugged-into 'earbuds' - and one besotted with the seeking of ever more comfort / ever more consumption of further toys of every-Minute distraction. 13 yos are now completely MTV-driven in their waking hours and in their dreams, {Aspirations!!} - and the level of dumbth overall.. could be verified by a thousand metrics. Could there be a less promising preparation for a planetwide struggle for a more honest division of the Wealth across 6B or so homo-sap psych-retards?

[Shrub just now heard en passant on NPR saying, We Shall Win This War.] {sigh} 11 yo jingles. Incessantly.

Pensive? we are not. Historically informed? we are not. Prideful? Arrogant, even Hubristic?? Sanctimonious to the point of self-caricature? ..many say we are some or all of these. yet.. just after 9/11, Le Monde said, We Are All Americans.. So Much lost by so primitive a mind in a Leader.

I suppose we shall see this devolve into a Force of Nukes VS the ones who are patient, invisible, dispersed into anonymity -- and God-fantasy driven (like so many of Our Own) -- barring a most fortunate and Unexpectable local 'event' as awakens some long-suppressed Realization about suppressed daily humanity (?)

But I don't see much Comprehension going on here. Yet.

seems about Shakespeare time, again
Tragedies of course
And soon, Wagner...