Come and get me, I'll give you the beating of your life Stryfe! I know you, but I may not know who you are, but you have pestered me for the last time! Come and get me if you are so brave and smart, try to get me, I'm waiting for you. I'll beat you into hamburger meat with my bare hands.

[link||I've seen your Yahoo profile] pretty pathetic. So you got some people to do your bidding now? Notice that your web site was taken down, your Yahoo ID was disabled, and your other web sites are gone. I guess Yahoo did finally listen to me and read all your threats against me and the public info you posted about me.

So how about it, you, and me, man to man, if you are a man and not some kind of a coward! Come and face me, I am tired of this bullshit! One of us has to die!