#1 - Dr. Pho is a physician in NH, not MA. It's not clear that he has any special insight on MA's system.

#2 - He doesn't say where he gets the 36 to 50 days number from, other than it's from the MMA. He doesn't say what it was before MA required everyone to have insurance. He provides no context.

In my looking around the MMA site, I see this:


The Society strongly supported the enactment of the Health Reform Law (Chapter 58 of the Acts of 2006) and its full implementation.

If it were a disaster for physicians and patients, I wouldn't think that the MMA would support it. The MA system is a work in progress and is being tweaked over time. IOW, it's being addressed by concrete proposals. Similarly with the federal bills. E.g. the ACP summary of HR3200 (13 page .PDF) - http://www.acponline...ss/hr3200_faq.pdf

10. How will America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 (H.R. 3200) help primary care?

America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 (H.R. 3200) provides for an additional 5 percent increase, beginning in 2011, for designated evaluation and management services by general internists and other primary care physicians. The primary care bonus is increased to 10 percent for designated services in Health Professional Shortage Areas. H.R. 3200 also would increase Medicaid payments for primary care to be equivalent to Medicare. Although ACP continues to believe that a larger primary care bonus is needed-ACP has asked for at least 10 percent in all areas of the country – 15 percent in health professional shortage areas. Even so, ACP believes that the recognition of the need to increase payments for primary care is an important step forward. The bill has extensive provisions to increase the supply and improve the training of primary care physicians. America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 (H.R. 3200) includes the following additional provisions to support primary care:


#3 - He links, apparently approvingly, to someone who says they don't have insurance by choice. http://www.kevinmd.c...-want-health.html It makes me suspicious of anything he presents.

I don't feel like spending more time on his comments.

