Post #274,249
11/28/06 4:52:25 PM

Just got a call from her school. "Are you aware that she has 20+ excused absences? Doctor appointments, dental appointments, personal reasons." "No". "Didn't think so. They all happen to match a friend's (girl) absences. Normally we don't worry about seniors, but since I knew you were concerned, I thought I would call you."
Cutting classes. Hmmmm. Told school that she had moved in with her dad and gave them his number. School called him. She forged his signature today! Then dad called my wife. Told her the stories the daughter had told him. "We kicked her out of the house." He also asked about the "community service" she had to do. She told him it was part of a school project. He didn't buy it. Wife told him, and the he had to sit with her through the program tonight.
He was going to pick her up after school today. She doesn't know she's been busted. I wish I could be the fly on the wall to here their "talk".
Oh, and wife and I have started to actively look at downsizing. Good time to buy, poor time to try and sell a large house. We'll see how things turn out.
Lastly, thanks all for the comments. Tony is right, Step does create a whole different set of problems. "You're not my real dad, ....". I'm actually looking forward to moving.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. (Herm Albright)
Post #274,266
11/28/06 7:33:11 PM

I'd move into a boat
Travel around. Small, liberating, waterfront. Maybe a nice little trawler like a [link||Grand Banks].
Can't go wrong.
[link||Black Bag Operations Log]
[link||Artificial Intelligence]
Post #274,272
11/28/06 8:13:12 PM

twas my dream also but wife gets seasick walking in the rain
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 50 years. meep
Post #274,306
11/29/06 12:55:41 AM

Just so I'm clear ....
I'm a little late on the stories. All girls? And how many are yours and hers? Are there any that are both of yours?
And how long before they're all 18?
Downsizing to a house (or apartment) where you don't have room to accomodate them and the BFs may be the best option. It appears you're outnumbered and outgunned.
But, if the real father will assist in being a parent, and if the grandparents cooperate, then maybe you've got a shot if they all send the same message.
However, I just saw an "Intervention" TV ad where a drunk mom lost custody of her kids and still drinks multiple (personal) bottles of Vodka a day. Straight!
Glen Austin
Post #274,331
11/29/06 10:13:41 AM

5 Daughters. 3 Step, 2 Bio, 0 joint. Ages: 22, 20, 20, 18, 1711/12 (HS senior)
My 2 are in college (Milwaukee and Duluth)
Step 22 has baby (2 mo) and lives with bf 6 miles away. Step 20 is pg, in NG, lives with us. Her bf resides with her in basement. Step 17 is HS senior, currently living with her dad (since Sunday). Has decided he is too strict and wants to move in with a neighbor.
As for "new" house, wife found one she really likes in Wisconsin. 60 mile commute (all freeway). 20 acre hobby farm. Worth looking at.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. (Herm Albright)
Post #274,526
12/1/06 11:06:46 AM

Sounds like you need to go hunting, football
Or some other "guy stuff"... Wow 6 women. I couldn't handle it. Two are enough in my house.
Now, you just need to get them "outta the house" and on their own.
I would strongly suggest you start using the language I posted previously.
"You're adults now. You are responsible for your own life. You need to be able to solve your own problems. I won't be around forever, and even if I am around a while longer, 5 girls all college age means we don't have a lot of extra money."
Again, you will be in my prayers with 5 between 22 and 17, you need some prayers. Also, do they "work together" to solve problems (help each other out) or do they compete for your attention?
This is a big thing we're trying to teach our 3 (11, 10, 6) is that they cannot compete for parent's love and resources. And they need to help each other out.
Glen Austin
Post #274,549
12/1/06 1:21:34 PM

Help? Each Other?
What a concept.
Sorry, but my wife is the biggest divider. She actually pits the kids against each other. (Very long story. Short version-she needs counseling for things that happened in the past, but does not acknowledge that she does.)
I'm going to encourage the acquistion of a new house, be it the hobby farm or something else. Large enough for TEMPORARY visitors, and far enough away that the kids would not want to move in and commute (40-60 miles/1 hr drive - here in MN that's a significant drive. Avg is 20 min.)
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. (Herm Albright)
Post #274,550
12/1/06 1:22:39 PM

And thanks for the prayers, well wishes, and good thoughts.
They are appreciated.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. (Herm Albright)
Post #274,528
12/1/06 11:26:36 AM

As for the Hobby Farm...
Main house is yours and wife's. Kids get the "out buildings" or can get their bf's to build them their own house. Not a lot of bfs will sign up for that.
I like that plan.
Glen Austin