Typical digital-mind 'think', a lateral arabesque around Why Obamacare was/is such a necessary baby-step towards.. something resembling
what the Smarter-rich-countries already have: Single Payer; the only way to keep bankers, insurance cartels et al from continuing to pillage All. We Know all this shit, here.
Pay MDs salaries. No More fee-for-'services': as encourages all the pork on every single action a For-profit capitalist system guarantees:

Your Money or Your Life! ... as-in: every B-movie Western ever cobbled together over a week-end.
Redstate, as is obvious, labors under the social-Darwinism of every Libertytarian (and you don't need a 'But' in front of 'moreoever'==just as grammatically-inept as in other thinking efforts.)

Loved this one:

Employers only started offering health insurance to their employees during the wage freeze imposed by the government during World War II. Since employers were forbidden from offering higher salaries to attract new workers, they offered health insurance instead.

Un-wittingly underscoring the fucking 100% pecuniary basis of every Corp's mindset: screw the "benefit" to any of our cheap wage-Serfs: game-the-System again/get better 'hires'==cheaper for us==We Win.

Pshaw; the US is so full of shit (like this) ... all our eyes must be brown (when the filters are removed.)