Icon: penguin with knife-in-back.. then LInus co-opted that one, removed knife, replaced with a garland ...
but still: though everyone hated WIndows, they continued to flagellate selves.

Doesn't seem to work; Gandhi's alleged quote, I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. is Snoped about, with some arguable but priceless expansions, like..

Dr. Jones says that the greatest hindrance to the Christian gospel in India is a dislike for western domination, western snobbery, the western theological system, western militarism and western race prejudice. Gandhi, the great prophet of India, said, "I love your Christ, but I dislike your Christianity." The embarrassing fact is that India judges us by our own professed standard.

as in Heh.. (Think I prefer Leave-Me-Alone-ism) the short-form of ~
Go burn your contraceptives, have your fucking-dozen babies--just not on My planet, you sanctimonious psalm-singing solipsists

Already got 13 acolytes; what more do ya need. Because: pissed-off-crowd--funding.