The trouble with analysis of parables and metaphors and stuff is - you can't, especially so - when they are all inconsistent and absurd, by design of the Priest-class of work-shirkers.

As Jos Campbell drolly reported after a few decades of delving, taking notes - it's amazing the number of cultures who have come up with,

Snake Did It!
(with varying and colorful imaginations about what It was)

The entire "fruit of the tree of knowledge" cha cha simile for - the "world of duality", the consequent mindset of Yes/No Good/Evil, merely <-opposes-> the concept of unity (~~ 'creator' and creation are One). Hard to get funds to build cathedrals to That fork, though. No robes either; have to labor for that gruel.

[And then.. Oh Gawd - along comes $#%^& Geo Boole with some cute symbols and makes Yes/No into a real Cash Industry! and.. and..]

And it must follow as the night the gzornenplatz - through the magic of synonyms and definitions with no useful referent whatsoever: the chartered accountant asks,
"but then Who created the Creator-Guy?"
[This. It. Has. Got. Balls ???]

and Then: we are off to the races and the wars between them, along with the guilt, the fear-thus-groveling; the Preaching about tips for going to the head of the line; ahead of those heretics whom ya gets to watch bein tormented and stuff. Joy!

Keeps millions on or off the streets. Love. It.
(especially with Peter Sellers as Chauncey (the) Gardener; he likes to watch.)

I've got it: Let's make a movie! .. a rilly Violent One with chariot races and lots of sex.

Anything beats listening to 3.5 more years of even weirder local fantasies and the mouthings of our present pipsqueak-Jesus-in-a-Stetson..