I can understand being tired and cranky, and being so busy working a job that you don't have the time and/or money to help the poor. When I was working, I worked Downtown St. Louis City, we had plenty of poor people on the streets begging for food or money. I gave when I could, and my coworkers made fun of me for it. I suppose they were the ones saying "Get a job" to the poor, while I gave the poor $2 or $5, or sometimes $20 if I could spare it. I could tell the fakes, the fakes don't smell so bad, and wear expensive sneakers and clothes, the real poor have clothes that are falling apart, cheap shoes, and look like they haven't bathed in a while.

Now I don't have a job or the money to give to the poor, but I do drop some change into those charity boxes in stores when I get out. No poor in the subdivision I live in, unless you count me. Somehow they seem to migrate towards the city, not the county.