... it's a FULL Linux Distribution run from CD-ROM... Never touches your Hard Drive at all... unless you want it to.

GNOME, KDE, OpenOffice, the whole nine yards. LOTS of tools, browsers, editors, graphics tools, you naem it probably on it...

[link|http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/index-en.html|Knoppix Homepage], Klaus Knopper is a Great Guy...

[link|ftp://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub/linux/knoppix/|Best D/L speed] I can find, yeah it's a ways away, but I always get cranking thoughput on it

If, yah don't have a BroadBand connection, or a high-speed to D/L the ISO or a Burner... e-mail me, I'll send you a few copies of it... (and Debian Woody CD's as well) for the simple reason... I want to...