Trying that with a statisitician, eh?
I'm sure I could pick one indicator that would...on its own...make the economic picture look exactly opposite.
And...IIRC...we are BOTH...leading debtor and creditor nation....that being we are the farthest in debt and we give out the far away are we from maximizing our leverage potential based upon the value of GNP. You see...a certain amount of debt is considered sound financial policy. (not as much as accumulated in the Reagan years, mind you)...but more than the ZERO everyone leads you to believe it should be.
And try and vilify the policy all you want...the economy will be more successful the further you remove government from it...and there isn't an economist on the planet that will tell you differently...because there isn't a school of thought that treats government spending as anything but a drain on the economic cycle. Government is inherently inefficient in the economic sense.
So...Reagan's single biggest policy (and the Pres can only effect a minority of the economic indicators...the rest is Congress, Fed and other countries) was his tax policy..and THAT was successful...based in a large part on the theories you didn't read that were linked below.