Post #6,719
8/26/01 8:28:32 AM

'All' is a rather large percentage
Need we dig up the genealogies re inherited power from previous, or wonder what sort of job the pres Pres might have - without that? Moneyed class inevitably preserves its hegemony - you doubt?
Dynasties. cf. Pharaoh, power, corruption, strife
What's clear is that a bias-level of $ attained, permits EZ aggrandizement which does not scale downwards. What we 'do' about that, as the process intensifies (?) probably determines the retirement date of the current Murican experiment.
(Too late to oppress me; blessed are those who expect nothing, for ... )
Will share recipes for The Rich, however. It's about culinary arts.
Ashton Oppressive Societies Dismantlers Ltd. (local currencies not accepted pre- or post- dismantling)
Post #6,776
8/27/01 10:02:10 AM

Garlic is good on almost everything. Sadly, it would probably take more garlic than exists to cover the flavor of greed. Maybe a little paprika?
"When it crosses my mind to do something, I don't ask why, I ask why not. And usually there's no reason not to, so I just go ahead. It's given me the strangest collection of hats"
Post #6,853
8/27/01 4:28:14 PM

Secret ingredient - 'gaul of dog'
(Thanks, Hecate - for the tip)
It masks the greed contamination, somewhat modifies the Righteousness odor and decidedly overshadows the sanctimonious aftertaste. Sweetbreads can be tasty too - if the catch is force-fed first \ufffd l\ufffd normal indecent goose-liver technique.
A wry touch, counter to the expensive viands as formed their bodies during a lifetime of rapacity - I like marinating in Thunderbird or similar 99\ufffd commodity such as we reserve for the unfortunates who er 'fall through the cracks' of our Advanced society.. Can actually see the liver shrivel a bit, from so unaccustomed a tincture.
Not much can be done for the 'game-y flavor' of the entrepreneur class; the heart has become fibroid of course - a natural byproduct of Harvard Social Darwinism 101. And the ink on $100 bills seems to penetrate about as well as DMSO. Sometimes a little peroxide helps 'take them to the cleaners'.
Excerpts from the unpublished addenda to, To Serve Man Vol. XX Available in Encarta format - Passport funds only.
Post #6,856
8/27/01 4:36:05 PM

Ah, yes. The Hannibal Lecter school of cuisine.
Where the phrase "eat me" is best left unspoken.
"When it crosses my mind to do something, I don't ask why, I ask why not. And usually there's no reason not to, so I just go ahead. It's given me the strangest collection of hats"
Post #6,859
8/27/01 4:46:12 PM

Not at all: The Golden Rule.
Those who have fed off of the labor, intentionally limited daily freedoms of others, for purely self-aggrandizement - become food in their turn.
It's the decent, the Christian, the Murican! Thing to Do. No?
(Mr. Lecter was compulsive and unselective. Big difference: obsession is not dedication.)
Post #6,861
8/27/01 5:04:34 PM

This one thankfully accepts your criticism and correction
See, humble is easy to do when your perfect in nearly every way.
"When it crosses my mind to do something, I don't ask why, I ask why not. And usually there's no reason not to, so I just go ahead. It's given me the strangest collection of hats"
Post #6,892
8/27/01 7:23:18 PM

That is Right-attitude, Grasshopper - go thou and prosper.
I remain amazed.. now over decades - at the proliferation of Principles to Live-by, many mutually exclusive, but all Right and.. Uniquely-so (One Way only) while contradicting...
Heh.. Reason and er logic - a distant simple sub-set, useful in the nursery but..
Ashton the Unsure and damn proud of it
Post #6,862
8/27/01 5:05:02 PM

This one thankfully accepts your criticism and correction
See, humble is easy to do when you're perfect in nearly every way.
"When it crosses my mind to do something, I don't ask why, I ask why not. And usually there's no reason not to, so I just go ahead. It's given me the strangest collection of hats"