We know what isn't, maybe (Ozymandias of Egypt?)
Behold! ye mighty and despair!
...and all about lay ruins..
My sense is that our culture is somewhat afraid of silence, constantly mistakes solitude for aloneness - fears silence so much that - there is elevator unmusic noise everywhere, everywhen.
The magic within the horror of the JFK asassination was - the (now) memorable *silences* as the camera showed the Rotunda or whatever: people *apologized* for breaking that silence, with some new factoid. The networks Shut Up for more than three days! The talking heads desisted, became minimalists when that seemed appropriate.
Maybe missing in childhood more and more? the quietness of being read to! (via the 24/7 office; the need for two parents to bring home a lesser paycheck than one did, 20 years ago - as Corps further intrude into all of the 24 hrs. as temps are sought, benefits reduced - and no National health care exists, Still. yada yada.)
Makes everone twitchy. (Were I ill, I would be twitchy too: no matter how much you think you saved: Your Money or Your Life.) No one can save as fast as an AMA org can spend!
Fortunately music can heal whatever.. probably the effects of sleep-deprived dreaming also. The solitude will have to be discovered later, if it was missed in the middle.
(It's *All* inside! The 'outside' simply wouldn't exist if it weren't perceived Inside) Basic Dark Star 101