Simple, it was after I had provided the rebuttal.
It's not necessary, nor appropriate IMHO, to use terms like "clueless moron" when debating with people here. It doesn't help your argument.
How you can say that that's not ad hominem [*] is beyond me.
Ad hominem (from your link):
"Appealing to personal considerations rather than to logic or reason:
Debaters should avoid ad hominem arguments that question their opponents' motives."
Again, my conclusion about his character occured AFTER the debate.
I did NOT base my rebuttal of his claim upon his character.
I based it upon the photographic evidence that I provided.
He then retreated into semantic games about what he ACTUALLY meant when he said "wall".
From that exchange, I concluded that he was a liar.
Note, that is my conclusion from the exchange.
That is not a rebuttal of his position.
I rebutted his position with the photographs.
My conclusion as to his character occured AFTER the debate.
Therefore, not an "ad hominem" attack.
If I had based my rebuttal upon his being a liar, then it would be.