One must ration extreme emotions, when living in a nascent Gulag State. Save the energy for an actual local event. And there Will be one... in this atmosphere.
Fear is an inappropriate response to the Fascism passed without debate or even READING the POS document! someone managed to make into a sophomoric acronym like PATRIOT Act. It is a parody of itself! so evidently unConstitutional on its face.. so evidently the kind of weasel thing which only people in a Screaming Panic could ever regurgitate, let alone make US Law.
Anger is the appropriate state to nurture! It helps you Not to forget just how strong is the undercurrent in Murican mythos - for LawN'Order at the expense of personal freedom. Just as in Germany after the torpedoing of the quite democratic Weimar Republic, by the same sort of thugs as today bomb clinics and attend Jerry Foulwell rallies: Fascism for Jesus, if you believe the likes of him.
Stay mad about *what you have already lost*. 25,000 marched in one of the larger local Vietnam protests, the sum of which ended Johnson's career .. eventually. Bush/Cheney must be ended - sooner methinks. If enough still have the guts,