Post #55,531
10/8/02 4:53:58 PM
Yeah I do know
"All of the Germans in Nazi Germany weren't fascists. Hell, most of them were scared citizens. Scared of their own government. You know where this analogy goes."
Come to think of it, I *am* scared of my government.
"A civilian gang of thieving lobbyists for the military industrial complex is running the White House. If to be against them is considered unpatriotic -- Hell, then call me a traitor." -- Hunter S. Thompson
Post #55,532
10/8/02 5:07:41 PM
Anybody else here scared of their own government?
*Raises hand*
End of world rescheduled for day after tomorrow. Something should probably be done. Please advise.
Post #55,583
10/8/02 7:40:15 PM
*hand raised*
BTW: I can be "arrested" and indefinately "detained" without access to a lawyer by my "democratic" "free" government.
Just by being labeled a "terrorist".
To put on a black shirt.
To weed out the weaklings.
Post #55,847
10/9/02 8:38:28 PM
Just by being labeled a "terrorist". - WRONG!
You just have to be labeled someone who may know something about a potential terrorist.
---- Whatever
Post #55,589
10/8/02 7:53:20 PM
Re: Anybody else here scared of their own government?
Funny, I was going to screed about the pure evil of deliberate false imprisonment (as I write I'm watching a show on A&E about falsely convicted death row survivors). And then I saw you beat me to it.
*raises both hands*
In fact these international adventures are nothing but a diversion of attention from the sickness and evil in our own backyard.
Post #55,625
10/8/02 9:21:45 PM
Hopefully everybody
Anybody that isn't at least somewhat worried about their government doesn't really understand what governments do.
The fundamental function of government is to impose order at the expense of freedom. History shows that there is an inherent drift towards more order and less freedom unless action is taken to prevent the slide. People should be constantly concerned with what their government is doing.
Honestly though, right now I'm more fearfull then I have been in the past. The current leaders of this country show many dangerous traits.
Post #55,640
10/8/02 10:29:57 PM
Scared as in...
"Those fuckers scare me! Nobody that dumb should ever hold a gun." or as in "I'd better sit tight. If I make waves, they will find a way to screw up my life for sure."
We have only 2 things to worry about: That things will never get back to normal, and that they already have.
Post #55,755
10/9/02 11:55:54 AM
I'll take "A", please.
End of world rescheduled for day after tomorrow. Something should probably be done. Please advise.
Post #55,674
10/9/02 2:45:14 AM
Not scared - livid__ (but only once in a while)
One must ration extreme emotions, when living in a nascent Gulag State. Save the energy for an actual local event. And there Will be one... in this atmosphere.
Fear is an inappropriate response to the Fascism passed without debate or even READING the POS document! someone managed to make into a sophomoric acronym like PATRIOT Act. It is a parody of itself! so evidently unConstitutional on its face.. so evidently the kind of weasel thing which only people in a Screaming Panic could ever regurgitate, let alone make US Law.
Anger is the appropriate state to nurture! It helps you Not to forget just how strong is the undercurrent in Murican mythos - for LawN'Order at the expense of personal freedom. Just as in Germany after the torpedoing of the quite democratic Weimar Republic, by the same sort of thugs as today bomb clinics and attend Jerry Foulwell rallies: Fascism for Jesus, if you believe the likes of him.
Stay mad about *what you have already lost*. 25,000 marched in one of the larger local Vietnam protests, the sum of which ended Johnson's career .. eventually. Bush/Cheney must be ended - sooner methinks. If enough still have the guts,
Post #55,756
10/9/02 11:58:52 AM
Fear is a warning.
Don't let it rule you, and you're fine.
I can handle fear just fine. Hell, death doesn't paralyze me - I act first, THEN panic when the emergency is over.
When I talk about fear, I talk about seeing the path we're on the way down, and noticing how similar it is to the Nazi party's ursurpation of democratic Germany and the decline into WW2. No, we haven't dissolved congress, and Shrub ain't Dictator in Chief - but Congress is now his lap-dog, and he's using every trick in the book to manipulate people's feelings and hide the blame for what's really going on here - doing $$$ of damage to preserve his power...
End of world rescheduled for day after tomorrow. Something should probably be done. Please advise.
Post #55,685
10/9/02 5:50:17 AM
Re: Not of mine thank God, but alarmed at yours <grin>
I have tried to like Bush, but I just can't get past the shallowness and outright deception in his speeches.
Reagan was actually likeable even though he was advised by almost the same team Bush Jnr has.
It still alarms me that the Anthrax evidence (suddenly & abruptly gone quiet) was leading up to being shown as a deliberate campaign by a CIA operative to terrorise the US population into supporting funding for biological weapon research & to support the cause of the current admin.
That is bloody terrible. And these milksops who want to believe Bush's every word deserve everything that comes their way. People deserve the Govt they elect (ooops Bush didn't really win did he ???).
Post #56,044
10/10/02 3:56:00 PM
Yeah, my hands are raised too...
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance" said someone... :-)
I've been working on a freakin' project from hell which has prevented me from annoying everyone on this board sufficiently... That said...
I fear my own government and have for many years now. I do not put us in the same context as of Stalin's Soviet Republic or Hitler's Nazi Germany in that we (as of yet) do not have to fear for our lives or face imprisonment if we hold opposing points of view from our current government's.
That said, the government of the US has declared a non-stop "war on Americans" (War on Drugs, War on Terrorists, War on Handguns, War on Poverty, War on Hate Speech, War on {stick finger in political air and see which way the popular paranoia wind is blowing}) since the 70's which have slowly been reversing such things as the 1'st, 2'nd, 4'th and 5'th ammendments. This particular group in the White House are different in that they are so overt in what they are doing. Pardon me if I find it refreshing - still disgusting - but at least openly.
In a democracy (representative or true), we the frigging people still have a chance, if we have the will and perserverence to affect change, unlike in a monarchy/totalitarian regieme. What I fear, and I think maybe others here fear, is that we the frigging people aren't necessarily that bright?
Just a few thoughts,
Living is easy with eyes closed misunderstanding all you see, it's getting hard to be someone but it all works out it doesn't matter much to me
J. Lennon - Strawberry Fields Forever