The threat is not from Sadaam or any other particular regime - it's from a stolen or sold Russian nuke in some lone wolf's hands. The only way to root out these people is to make friends with the Russians and strengthen the intelligence services. And the latter requires INTELLIGENCE IN OFFICE. Bounding over the deserts of Iraq in tanks and hummers will accomplish NOTHING other than to make the bad guys hate us even more. We need to kill them in their hidden recesses, with great violence and disgrace, and without involving citizens or armies.
We would accomplish infinitely more by simply expelling illegal aliens and revoking temporary visas. Let them go home. Deport them. Get rid of them and keep them out. Apply a vigorous policy of religious and ethnic profiling. Require all Islamic organizations to undergo regular audits of their activities. Freedom of religion be damned - piss on religion!
Your "solution" will simply make everyone feel better, until the nuke is detonated in Washington or New York or Houston or Los Angeles. Then what? What happens when there are no more tinhorns to topple? Do we take over the whole world? When will stupid, bellicose paranoia have run its course?
We are in trouble because our leaders are dimwitted, bellicose fools. We will remain in danger as long as the dimwitted, bellicose public keeps electing these genetic mistakes.